Incident Response

What is Incident Response?

What is an Incident Response? 

Incident response (sometimes called data incident response) refers to an organization’s processes and technologies for detecting and responding to cyberthreats, security breaches or cyberattacks. A formal incident response plan enables cybersecurity teams to limit or prevent damage.

Incident Response services are usually an addition to your organization’s Data Security Platform that manages any type of data through automated discovery, classification, risk assessment, and remediation capabilities.

Key Components: 

Breach Readiness

Analyzing your organization’s ability to respond to a breach. This includes developing and maintaining an incident response plan, establishing a response team, and setting up the necessary tools and resources.


Detecting and confirming the occurrence of a security incident. This may involve monitoring systems for unusual activity or receiving alerts from security tools.


Taking immediate actions to limit the impact of the incident and communicating incident details to the required teams and processes. 


Restoring and validating system functionality to ensure that affected systems are back to normal operation. This phase also includes monitoring for any signs of residual or recurring issues.

Post-Breach Analysis

Conducting a post-incident review to analyze what happened, how it was handled, and what can be improved for future responses. The purpose of this analysis is to reduce your organization’s mean time to determine blast radius, impact and materiality.